The Need for Transformation and How We Get There

The Need for Transformation: A Call for Change
In recognising the need for change, we must first redefine our perspective on disability. Often framed as an individual problem to be overcome, disability's challenge stems from disabling environments rather than personal impairments. By reshaping our understanding, we see the transformative power of designing environments that factor in disabled individuals from the outset. This approach aligns with the social model of disability, spotlighting that disabling factors can emanate from environments, attitudes, and systems, urging us to shift our focus to these underlying aspects.

However, many institutions delegate the responsibility of working with disabled individuals to separate departments like the Disabled Students' Program, limiting the scope of inclusivity. Actual change should be woven into the organisation's very fabric, reflecting a shift in culture and norms. By engaging with our workshops and subsequent activities, discussions, and community-building, you contribute to establishing a new norm that is inherently inclusive and genuinely places disabled students at the centre.
The Need for Transformation: How We Get There
To initiate this transformation, we look to the principles of Universal Design in Higher Education. By eliminating the deficits that render environments inaccessible, we reduce the need for piecemeal accommodations. The cornerstones of this approach—usability, accessibility, and inclusivity—serve as our guiding lights.

Culturally sustaining practices and cultural humility come into play as we contemplate ways to make services and supports accessible. Recognizing the intricate relationship between ableism and racism, we navigate toward environments that empower students, particularly those historically marginalized. Delving beyond surface and shallow cultural norms, our focus on deep culture exposes implicit biases and structural racialisation.

This is where you come in. By engaging with our workshops and embracing the follow-up activities, discussions, and community initiatives, you're actively contributing to this transformation. Join us in reshaping norms, breaking down disabling barriers, and fostering an educational environment where inclusivity and empowerment are genuinely centered and worked towards. Connect with us to embark on this journey of change, leaving behind old practices for a truly accessible and equitable future.
Let us stop simply ‘accommodating’ people into a norm that excludes them and start re-configuring, re-designing and re-imaging the norm to be inclusive.