The Need for Transformation: A Call for Change
In recognising the need for change, we must first redefine our perspective on disability. Often framed as an individual problem to be overcome, disability's challenge stems from disabling environments rather than personal impairments. By reshaping our understanding, we see the transformative power of designing environments that factor in disabled individuals from the outset. This approach aligns with the social model of disability, spotlighting that disabling factors can emanate from environments, attitudes, and systems, urging us to shift our focus to these underlying aspects.
However, many institutions delegate the responsibility of working with disabled individuals to separate departments like the Disabled Students' Program, limiting the scope of inclusivity. Actual change should be woven into the organisation's very fabric, reflecting a shift in culture and norms. By engaging with our workshops and subsequent activities, discussions, and community-building, you contribute to establishing a new norm that is inherently inclusive and genuinely places disabled students at the centre.